best friends
best friends
too fast for the naked eye
i've always known it as kirby's return to dreamland, prob because i never got it when it released and just knew about it from videos by people in america.
good art as always
same, my youtube reccomended is filled with marx
i thought this was like a joke in the bionicle community cuz i got a vague video reccomendation on youtube, this is actually for real? what the genuine fuck lmao
fat fucking nuts joke
really nice model, very detailed
i love these little soldier guys, i saw this and started looking back through your other art of them
you should make an animation of these sometime
Thank you so much! I really should;
I really should...
a strapping young lad
the sequel
looks great, good job
i've never heard of people drawing tails doll and marine during the creepypasta stuff, guess i just saw more of the sonic.exe stuff. really well drawn, i like the face of the tails doll
Joined on 7/20/21